Monday, May 24, 2010

One day my friend said he wasn't impressed with his life and so began a journey..........

So Here is another attempt to blog for me. The first was a worship team team thing, the second was what I believe God was showing me prophetically, and now there's this one. The whole reason I am starting this blog is because:

1. My church community is going through a transition right now and I have a lot going through my head right now.

2. I am going through a transition right now and like I said before I have a lot going through my head!

It all started in a conversation I had with a friend and someone I trust about this life I am striving to live out as a Christian. As we talked about the Christian life and what we were were going through, he said, "But over all I'm not impressed with my life. If someone came to video tape my house, would it really be something to talk about?" and I had to pause........
This person that I thought had it all figured out just admitted that he didn't have it all figured out and it made me think.... What do I have figured out about this Christian life? When it all comes down to it, do any of us really have it all figured out? So I start this journey to find "The Christian Life" and where God is going to lead me I don't know, but I do know it will be good. Please add input when you feel lead.....

MORE TO COME..........


  1. I'm very excited about this summer!!!!!!!!

  2. I am personally in transition too...looking to Jesus for guidance. I know he will come through!

    (says Jeff but actually Kathy)

  3. Congratulations young people :-)!! Transition means no stagnation. Stagnation stinks (literally). As a professional transition specialist here is how I work with my students: Where are you now? Where do you want to get to? (the goal). From there on its things like: How to get there helps (people, organizations, books, tapes, etc.), who to go to that can point the way (we are blessed, we know it's Jesus), the pitfalls on the way, the ups, downs and arounds they are many and constant). Transition is never easy -- but Kathy/Jeff has the answer! Jesus. The Holy Spirit is our Guide. I pray that as we go through the transitions of our life, the Holy Spirit will be our Guide and that our eyes will be open to see the spiritual paths, and our ears to hear the gentle whispers of the Holy Spirit amid the storms. Oh, another thing about transitions -- many have the same goal, but few take the exact same route. God has a unique perfect journey for each person who desires to follow Him. Be Blessed.

  4. Don't mean to hog up the blog, but an excellent old book to read: "The Way of a Pilgrim", Translated from the Russian by R.M. French. And another "Being In Love, the Practice of Christian Prayer" by William Johnston. All of the 'new' books are really great, but some of these older ones are even moreso. "The Dark Night of the Soul" by St. John of the Cross" is one of the best for Pilgrims seeking to reach the depths of God. You can borrow mine if you like -- but I warn you -- you'll want your own :-) Keep cool, it's going to be another one today.

  5. That is exciting!!!because the Christian life is more than where the badge or label with no evidence of what you believe to be true.
    That is awesome there is no telling what is going to happen.
