Thursday, June 10, 2010

Coming face to face with life long addictions and false ideas.

Man has this been interesting already. So I am weeks into no Facebook and I already find myself peeking at my wife as shes on almost like an addict looks at smokers near by. I can tell already I had to much of who I was and how I interacted tied into my hourly (sometimes by the minute) Facebook checking. But I feel a desire to GO and find out how my friends are which has been gone for a while :-) I went and played some music with two friends and had a great time. I think I want to do that more.
Now I have added no TV and for the first time in probably 18 years I went to sleep with no TV! A big deal for me because i have had a TV in my room since I was like 15 and it became a "I need it to sleep" thing that was a problem in my marriage. It gives me more time to think about God and what He is saying. I am enjoying no radio in the car, no TV in the house or bedroom, and recently God took my source of podcast listening and it was probably for the best because that was becoming my portable digital crutch because "I had my digital Bible on it" so it made it okay :-)

So other than this blog and some study online.......... I am media free.

This is a scripture recently prophesied about by a well known prophet:

"The days are coming," declares the Sovereign LORD,
       "when I will send a famine through the land—
       not a famine of food or a thirst for water,
       but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD.  Men will stagger from sea to sea
       and wander from north to east,
       searching for the word of the LORD,
       but they will not find it

Amos 8:11-12

My prayer is this:
"That we would not be found in famine, but instead in feast! That as we separate from all the distraction and confusion of this world, we would find ourselves ready vessels to hear the Lord!!!"

In YAHSHUAH's name!
Amen :-)

1 comment:

    While talking w/my sister in Alaska, our conversation became a bible study (as is usual for us). Discussing the ancient (old) paths (Jer. 6:16) She asked what/where are the ancient paths? Her thought was that the old/ancient paths were the paths that were walked by Adam. My thought was that Adam was the prototype of Jesus, e.g. an intimate relationship (walk) with the Father. That sorta began the bible study, continuing with "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven".[so what's God's ultimate will?] Then came John 17:21 "That all of them (us) may be one, Father, just as You are IN ME and I am IN YOU. May they also BE IN US --so--that the world may believe that You have sent Me. I have given them the glory that You gave Me {why?} that they may be one as We are one. I IN THEM AND YOU IN ME. This morning what came to me re. the Kingdom were Jesus' words The Kingdom is within you - taking me back to John 17.
    Putting this in perspective of the ancient paths and the Good Way which culminates in rest for the soul, Barb & I concluded (for now) the ancient paths were in the Garden of Eden where Adam & Eve "knew" God as their Papa/Daddy/Abba - an intimate Love relationship. Based on John 17, Jesus prayed that same onness of relationship to be with us. "May they also BE IN US" {Reason: that the world may believe Jesus was sent by the Father}. Which is possible because Jesus continued "I HAVE GIVEN THEM THE GLORY THAT YOU GAVE ME, {that [so that] they may be one as We [Father & Son] are one. Jesus in us, the Father in Jesus --- complete unity---complete rest. Jesus gave us God's glory - which means we have - the glory of our Papa/Abba Father and Jesus enabling us to accomplish what Jesus prayed.
    The ancient paths = the paths of Unity/Oneness, Intimacy e.g. Father, Son, Us {inclusive of the Holy Spirit in us}
    This could go on and on - -
