Friday, December 10, 2010

The Past Four Years

Lately I've been thinking about the past four years. Almost exactly four years ago I was about to get divorced. Almost four years ago I was hooked on drugs and cigarettes. Almost four years ago that changed when I answered God call to let go of the life I was living and live for him. A lot has happened since then (thank you Jesus) and I have learned so much about real life.
I have been inspired by so many people and have taken in a wealth of information, but sometimes I am in awe of how much I don't understand. Bill Johnson has taught me that being in the presence of God is simply living in the full awareness of God and His power He wants to release through us into others lives. Also, anything is possible if believe God's promises are true which I do!
Another person recently is Alan Hirsch. I have been transformed by this missional concept and way of life. He teaches that life isn't about Sunday but everyday; that we are called to live a life of mission and reach people where they are, not try to get them to church. We are the church! Where two or more are gathered, I am there! We have a responsibility to our community outside of the four church walls.
What if we lived with these two ways of living all the time? I'm trying....sometimes failing.....some times succeeding....always loved by God :-)

The Past Four Years